Kitchen dining table-- improved paint layer: we improved the thickness of the paint layer to make it more resistant to daily use scratches. 16mm Healthy and anti-corrosion table Top, Easy to clean.
Kitchen dining table-- multifunctional: intended for multiple uses: as a Coffee table, workstation, for leisure, and in your terrace or garden.
Kitchen dining table-heat resisting property: 5 layers Piano baking Varnish technology table Top, it won’t change its Shape even at a 200ºc temperature.
Kitchen dining table with smart leg design features 4 durable foot pads to protect floors and reduce noise, as well as embedded hidden screws for a sleek look and added protection against bumps.
Kitchen dining table-- MODERN and Sturdy Beech table legs with clear and tidy texture combined with a Eiffel designed inspired in the modernist mid century.